Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Summer Fun

Well, the Barry Family have been busy little bees, which means not spending alot of time on the computer apparently! Since my last post in May we have - announced we are adding another baby to our family, visited the Flemings in San Clemente so Mommy and Daddy could go to Shannon & Jason's wedding in Del Mar, had a birthday party for ME and welcomed the Flemings to Santa Barbara for a FUN visit, survived the stomach flu (well, only Mommy had this one), ear infections and head colds, and visited the OC to see our family down there.

While Mommy and I were visiting OC, Daddy flew up north to see his family for a visit and it was the longest I have been away from him. Mommy kept me SUPER busy by going to my new favorite place, Target (it was bound to happen since that Target-Lover is my Mom!) and to three different parties over the weekend. I LOVE parties and was sort of annoyed that Mommy had to go back to work today instead of taking me to a party. I have some photos below for your viewing pleasure.

Here are some of the things that I have been working on recently: Counting to 14 and skipping 5, 6, 12 and 13 altogether, singing lots of songs and my favorites are "Itsy, Bitsy Fiber", "Old MacDonald", "Tinkle Staws" and "Happy Day" which is my rendition of Happy Birthday, and not listening to my parents when they want me to stop doing something fun because it's "dangerous". Such worry warts, those two. I also LOVE to paint and have come home with some very cool pieces of artwork for my ever-growing gallery. We need to move out of this tiny apartment so we can have space to hang my masterpieces!

With my Auntie Lala - I LOVE her and she is soooo funny!!

They unleashed the beast into the backyard - FREEDOM!

Cruising with Papa Danny, my escort around the pool

My cousin and buddy, Amber!

Cousin Luke...he taught me how fun those tubes can be when you stand up in them and I stole all the quesadillas he didn't want to eat off his plate =we're a good team!!

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