Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy Halloween...a few days late! :)

Hello! We hope everyone had a great Halloween this year. I had a blast, although I am still a bit too little to understand the gloriousness that Halloween can be. Mommy and Daddy chose our costumes this year (we were The Incredibles) and had a blast celebrating at TWO parties. My friends Frances and Samuel had a really fun Halloween party with games, prizes, food, etc. My favorite thing was splashing in the kiddie pool and drenching myself with water. Thank goodness it was 5,000 degrees outside in the end of October in beautiful Santa Barbara! :)

Next, we headed over to my friends Tyler and Austin's house for an evening event...I found my new, most favorite thing (Do I sound like Oprah???) - the sandbox! My parents also realized that I am not the best sharer and decided I need to have more playdates. Jackson (the Dinosaur) and I seem to be playing well together by the looks of the picture below, but don't think I didn't freak out if he took a toy I wanted to play with. Cheers to tantrums and I can't wait until I learn the word "mine"...I have recently perfected the word "no", to Mommy and Daddy's dismay, but I can round it out with a sweet "Ah yah yah" which means "I love you" and that seems to change their tune.

1 comment:

Lindz said...

What cute costumes! You guys look adorable!