Monday, March 23, 2009

Go Irish!

Hi Everyone, Finn here.

I hope you all had a wonderful St. Patty's Day. Dad got me dressed and Mom questioned the color coordination of my socks with the rest of the outfit...Dad assured her it was to "represent the colors of the flag of the Mother Land." I don't even understand what that means, but it seemed to make Mom happy and laugh. Maybe because she knows there is a land named after her? We celebrated the holiday with drinks on the Ocean Terrace at Bacara. I was very intrigued with the fireplace and the nice man that worked there even turned the heat lamp on for us. Mom was reminiscing about their wedding there and was stoked to be enjoying a happy hour priced glass of wine at the resort (unheard of, I guess) and Dad was savoring a glass of scotch. My parents are so refined (and rad and funny and adorable and smart and successful.)

I had my 9-month check-up last Monday and all was well. I had to have three pokes and I was NOT stoked about that, but Mom gave me a comfort bottle and I forgot all about the pain. I kind of want to nominate Mom for being the best Mom I have ever had...maybe Dad and I could get her some really shiny things (I think they are called diamonds) for Mother's Day. And, I think her ring size is a 5 for some reason. I am so smart and thoughtful.

Did I tell you that I get to be in a wedding? Jennifer and Alec have asked me to be the ring bearer and this is a very big honor. I will get to wear my first tuxedo (first of many, I am sure, since my parents are so refined and all) and have been practicing my standing. I have 6 months to get walking down pat and am sure I will have mastered the skill by then. Heck, maybe I could even officiate for them!

Mom keeps talking about how busy we are going to be in the next coming months, but I hope I get to see you all soon. Mommy was very excited to find out that Dusky and Bobby are having a baby boy (although I don't know how she knows that since the stork delivers babies, right? Maybe she meant they ordered a baby boy...yeah, that makes more sense!) Either way, Yay, another friend for me to play with!
Peace, Finn!

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