Saturday, July 31, 2010

Jail or Knuckle Sandwich

Mommy is MAKING me clarify a few things, in case you are ever hanging out with me and I use either of the above terms. First, Mommy or Daddy (nobody can remember who started it) said I was in "jail" when I was stuck in between their legs standing in front of them sitting on the couch. Jail, in the Barry household, consists of being stuck here and either getting tickled or kissed/hugged. Not like the typical description of jail, at least not from what my parents have seen on Locked Up Abroad or the like.

Second, Mommy sometimes will ask me if I want a knuckle sandwich. I usually reply with "YEAH!" because this means she is going to tickle the side of my face with her knuckles. At no point does she use force or brass knuckles.

Just want to clarify so CPS is never called on my parents!

See, don't I look happy and well adjusted??

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