Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hanging out

With the swine flu running rampant throughout the US, Mom doesn't allow me to play with other kids. So, here is a shot of me hanging out with my best buds - Leo and Ellie. These two were gifted to me even before I was in the real world. Pretty cool. I particularly enjoy eating Leo's mane and cuddling with Ellie...maybe that is why I don't have any real friends?

DISCLAIMER: Hi all, it's me Courtney. For the record, Finn DOES have real friends and IS allowed to hang out with them. My child can be so dramatic sometimes...not sure where he gets it from! :)

1 comment:

Lindz said...

Courtney....your little guy is such a cutie!! I'm sure you hear this a lot, but I see SO MUCH of your mom in him!! =) How lucky that you get a daily reminder of her!! =)